KiKi never thought that he could make friends from around the world without taking a plane.
But now he is making friends from around the world with Chez KiKi ^^
KiKi's friends form Sweden. They're young but brave. They've been to many places among Europe and Asia and even was a English teacher in China when they were 16.
KiKi's friends from Singapore. They are both smart underguaduates.
KiKi's friends from Singapore. They are both smart underguaduates.
KiKi's friends from Japan. He came with a "backpacker's look", but we found him neat, clean and stylish later.
KiKi's friends from Japan. He came with a "backpacker's look", but we found him neat, clean and stylish later.
KiKi's friends from Frence. They are a lovely couple. They eager to see the world.
KiKi's friends from Frence. They are a lovely couple. They eager to see the world.
KiKi's friends from Malaysia. She traveled alone around Taiwan. She came to Kaohsiung trying to experience her idol's hometown.
KiKi's friends from Malaysia. She traveled alone around Taiwan. She came to Kaohsiung trying to experience her idol's hometown.
KiKi's friends from South Korea. They are all interesting PHd candidates. First time in Taiwan.
KiKi's friends from South Korea. They are all interesting PHd candidates. First time in Taiwan.
KiKi's friends from Hong Kong. They are high school students, young and energetic.
KiKi's friends from Hong Kong. They are high school students, young and energetic.
KiKi's friends from China. They were so curious about everything in Taiwan and did travel many spots around Taiwan. Their mom dropped by them from China when they were in Chez KiKi.
KiKi's friends from China. They were so curious about everything in Taiwan and did travel many spots around Taiwan. Their mom dropped by them from China when they were in Chez KiKi.
雖然還不多,但陸續還會有美國、德國、菲律賓等的外國朋友會來到訪,也希望更多外國朋友來CHEZ KIKI玩玩,我們會好好介紹高雄給他們認識的。每當聊的開心時,也都超想去他們的國家走走看看喔。想去的國家清單,一直增加中!
KiKi is expecting to make friends from the other countries ! And he is ready to introdce his hometown - Kaohsiung to all these foreign friends ! Come to become one of them !
回覆刪除NATO & Trista
也對那2位瑞典女孩留下深刻印象呢! :-)
是啊 ! 他們真的又有禮貌又大方又可愛 ! 而且這麼年輕就想要到處看看世界真的很棒 !
回覆刪除我們去看你部落格的文章了 ! Rhoto也是一個很仔細紀錄生活和旅行的分享者 !
謝謝你喜歡這裡噢 ! 還介紹家人來住 !
有機會再來找KiKi玩 !