
Hamasan/Zuoying Cultural Tour Bus│哈瑪星/舊城文化觀光巴士(2012.4.17更新)

哈瑪星鹽埕港區 和 左營 都是高雄很有歷史底蘊的區域。除了老社區和老建築,還住著過著復古生活的居民。從社區的生活方式和建築構造仍可體驗舊時繁榮的品味,頗有特殊風情(和市區裡現代感的都會樣貌是截然不同的風景)。2012年4月份文化局重新推出「舊城假日文化公車」(50)及「哈瑪星文化公車」觀光巴士(50)旅客可憑一日券無限次上下車。


推薦給大家 !



The Cultural Tour Buses are now on the Road !

There are many ancient buildings worth remembering and admiring in Kaohsiung. With an one day pass, you can easily navigate into the locals and enjoy the beauty of the heritages! Come and experience the legacies of the past here ! 

Hamasan Culural Tour Bus

Route│The Hamasan Harbor Old town area
How to ride│Jump on the loop bus at any stop.
Can take as many rides as possible within one day.
Available from Tuesday to Sunday.
Fare │50 ntd/ one day pass. Sold in each bus.

(Click to enlarge 按圖放大)

Zuoying Cultural Tour Bus
Route│The Zuoying old twon area
How to ride│Jump on the loop bus at any stop.
Can take as many rides as possible within one day.
Available on weekends and holidays
Fare│50 ntd/ one day pass. Sold in each bus.

(Click to enlarge 按圖放大)


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